PowerShell - MX Record Report Using Accepted Domains
I put this together so I can watch my DNS Records from falling off to someone elses hands. I had to add all of them to accepted domains and specify my MX records name to match against. Its really helpful and i have added it to Task Scheduler to run every day and email me or a group.
Param (
= 1, Mandatory =
[String] $From = "DNS.Alerts@DOMAIN.com",
= 2, Mandatory =
[String] $To = "USER@DOMAIN.COM",
= 3, Mandatory =
[String] $Subject = "External
NSLookup Accepted Domains",
= 4, Mandatory =
[String] $SMTPserver
if ( (Get-PSSnapin
-Name Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.E2010
-ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
-eq $null
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.E2010
[Array] $Domaincol
= @()
# Match with OUR MX
$MATCH1=”MX preference = 10, mail
exchanger = PLACE MX RECORD HERE (1)”
$MATCH2=”MX preference = 20, mail
exchanger = PLACE MX RECORD HERE (2)”
# Pull our Accepted
Domains from Exchange and do a nslookup for each one using google for the dns
server (outside)
$DNS = “”
$domains = Get-AcceptedDomain
foreach ($mxdomain
in $domains)
$NSLOOKUP = C:\Windows\system32\nslookup.exe -q=mx $mxdomain.DomainName $DNS
$Domainobj =
New-Object PSObject
-Property @{
Domain = $mxdomain.DomainName
$Domaincol +=
#Set the
$Domaincol | Sort Name | FT -Auto
$HTMLtableHeader1 =
"#002C54" #
Dark Blue
$HTMLtableHeader2 =
"#325777" #
Lighter Blue
$reportBody =
"<!DOCTYPE html>
body {
font-size: 10pt;
background-color: white;
color: #000000;
table {
border: 0px;
border-collapse: separate;
padding: 3px;
.highlight_red { background-color:
red; }
tr, td, th { padding: 3px; }
th {
color: #FFFFFF;
font-weight: bold;
text-align: center;
h1,h2,h3,h4,h5 { color: $HTMLtableHeader1; }
$reportBody +=
align=""center"">External NSLookup from Accepted
</font> <br>"
$reportBody +=
<tr bgcolor=""$HTMLtableHeader1""><th>Domain</th><th>NSLookup</th></tr>"
$greyRow = $False
ForEach ($DM
in ($Domaincol
| Sort Name))
$reportBody +=
If ($greyRow)
{ $reportBody +=
style=""background-color:#dddddd"""; $greyRow = $False }
Else { $greyRow
= $True
$reportBody +=
If ($dm.NSLOOKUP -match
$MATCH1 -and
-match $MATCH2
-or $dm.domain -match
-match $Match4)
{$reportBody +=
Else {$reportBody
+= "<td
$reportBody +=
$reportBody +=
$reportBody +=
"</BODY> </HTML>"
Send-MailMessage -From
$From -To $To -Subject $Subject -Body $reportBody -BodyAsHtml
-SMTPserver $SMTPserver
-Priority High
Hi, sorry for commenting on non so relevant post.
ReplyDeleteI found your question/comment on technet from Tuesday, October 17, 2017 2:25 PM
How that turn out? I have the same situation with primary mailbox on premise and archive in the cloud with 9x GB so far. Will it autoexpand ? :)
I too am having the same problem in my Org. How to I change the archive quota in a hybrid environment without moving the users primary mailbox to O365?
I have opened several support tickets with Microsoft and they just take me for loops and gather information for them each time i spend 2 hours on the phone with them. Huge waste of time and still have no results.